
2018 chevrolet equinox accessories
2018 chevrolet equinox accessories

2018 chevrolet equinox accessories

Can be used for top-off, complete drain and refill or flush and refill of the cooling system. Must mix with high quality (distilled/deionized) water to the desired ratio. F Antiboil/overheat protection to +276 Deg. Prestone All Vehicles AFC Total Protection and Longer Engine Life guarantee are for 10yrs / 300,000 miles. This extended life coolant is designed to work with all new engines while also being backwards compatible improving protection in all older engines. Avoid costly repairs and vehicles in the shop with Prestone All Vehicles antifreeze+coolant + TOTAL PROTECTION. Internal damage can cause engine part failure or clogging, leading to expensive repairs and inconveniences. Total Protection includes patented Cor-Guard® technology, which instantly protects parts from corrosion, buildup, pitting, scaling, rust and other damage compared to ordinary coolants that can't keep the system clean. While ordinary antifreeze coolant only manages 2/3rd the job, the basic freeze and boil points, Prestone's Total Protection adds an extra layer that keeps your engine clean from corrosion, rust and buildup. Prestone® All Vehicles antifreeze+coolant +TOTAL PROTECTION (AFC) is formulated to work with all vehicles all makes, models, years & fluid colors. Perfect for small volume top-off or complete drain and refill of the cooling system

2018 chevrolet equinox accessories

Ready to Use formula - Prediluted 50/50.Total Protection - Includes Prestone Cor-Guard® technology, unmatched cooling system parts protection that protects against engine damage rust, corrosion, scale, build-up and clogging.Longer Engine Life Guarantee - 10 Yr., 300,000 mile Extended life formula.For all engines, new and backwards compatible to older engines. Universally works with all fluid colors All OAT, POAT, HOAT & IAT. F Antiboil/overheat protection to +265 Deg. Year Round Protection - Antifreeze to -34 Deg.

2018 chevrolet equinox accessories

2018 chevrolet equinox accessories